Release notes
- Replaced marked and highlight packages with MDsevX
- Consolidated all .json and .md files used for foundational content. Each section
is now one .md file powered by MDsevX
- Removed original component file used to import all examples manually in favor of
inlined MDsevX imports
- Converted project into a monorepo structure with Turborepo
- Added sidebar navigation for “Foundations” pages
- Changed content display logic to be more CSS driven, simplifying formatting
logic and making it more flexible for multiple use cases
- Improved spacing and readability for headings
- Added panning and scaling for examples
- Upgraded SvelteKit to 2.x
- Interactive examples for Dynamic Components under “Foundations”
- Interactive examples for Buttons sections under “Foundations”
- Interactive examples for Typography sections under “Foundations”
- Fixed nav drawer on mobile
- Added content for “Transitional components” section under Foundations
- Interactive examples for repeating gradient functions, tiling gradients as
background images
- Interactive examples for buttons, including styling resets, focus states, and
- Navigation updates to allow dismissal on backdrop click and an exit animation
- Added content for “Typography” section under Foundations
- Added content for “Color and light” section under Foundations
- Added a “Report Issue” button every page, which creates a github issue template
for that link
- Small device enhancements and additional content citations
- Fixed credits for unsplash image photographers
- Official launch with content and interactive examples for “Layouts” under